Do you like to create and write as well as act? This is the project for you!

Audition Information for The Lysistrata Devising Project

The Shattered Glass Project is holding auditions for additional ensemble members to create a new devised piece inspired by Aristophanes’ 5th Century BCE anti-war comedy Lysistrata. Led by Carolynne Wilcox and Nelia Miller, the ensemble will engage in improvisation, movement and writing exercises, Moment work, and other devising work to create an entirely new script on the themes of anti-war protest, bodily autonomy, misogyny, Supreme Court decisions, and healthy sexual expression (along with whatever else we come up with!) It’s the 20th anniversary of the original Lysistrata Project! Let’s make some noise!

Auditioners will participate in our next devising workshop on Saturday, February 18th, 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Actors with identities that have been historically underrepresented are particularly encouraged to audition.

Key production dates and components:

  • Writing, research, and choreographic/movement homework required - everyone in this project will be a creator!

  • February 18, 2023 - in-person devising workshop at MLK FAME Center (3201 E. Republican St, Seattle 98112)

  • February-May, 2023 - 6 to 8 bi-monthly Saturday afternoon devising workshops (Zoom based and in-person at MLK FAME Center)

  • June-July 2023 - Rehearsals (Zoom-based and in-person at at MLK FAME Center)

  • Tentative performance dates, August or September 2023 - Site-specific outdoor location TBD

COVID Safety Information:

All cast, crew and staff for in-person productions and activities conducted by The Shattered Glass Project are required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19, for the safety of all participants. You will be required to provide proof of vaccination to be considered for casting. Questions may be addressed to

About the Play


We don’t know - help us find out.

Content Information:

In the original form Lysistrata contains anti-LGBTQ language, misogynistic references to women’s minds, bodies and sexuality, and a lot of moments where people display their nude bodies to each other in a rude or disrespectful fashion. None of this necessarily will show up in the final script created by the ensemble, but the original content will be in the background throughout the devising process. The devising team and the production company will seek consent and work with the cast to identify personal boundaries, and provide support through open discussion and dramaturgical work.


Currently TSGP is seeking funding for this project.

Workshop Preparation

  1. Please familiarize yourself with ANY version of the Lysistrata story (even a summary will do, if it works for you). Here’s a link to one version.

  2. Create 3 physical actions from this (Lysistrata) source material.
    This article explains a little bit about creating a whole score of physical actions
    ; you don’t HAVE to read it, but if you’re interested in knowing more of the why, it’ll help. For our purposes, a physical action is similar to Ann Bogart’s gesture work, but not the same thing. It’s a very short phrase of movement (think no more than 3 seconds) with a concrete beginning, middle and end. 

  3. Give it a (the shorter the better) title so we can write it down and refer back to it.
    An example would be something like “Refusing Sex” as the title of the action, and the action itself might be putting a hand out in a “stop” motion to keep the “suitor” away. For reference, you can check out these videos from a different production to get an idea. I’ll reiterate again, though: some of the actions in the videos are a little more complicated than is optimal and as always, the shorter/simpler an action is, the more effective for our purposes as anything too complicated tends to get diluted/parts of it forgotten, etc, so think short and to the point.

  4. During the audition workshop, we will be learning everyone’s physical actions and likely recording them (probably on someone’s phone) so we can reference them going forward. Please be prepared to move & sweat (i.e. wear movement clothes and bring water and snacks if you think you’ll need them! but always take care of yourself and modify if you have to, you know your body best).”

Audition Sign-up:

What do you need to complete the audition submission?

  1. a photo or a headshot of yourself

  2. a resume or a summary of your theatrical experience

  3. a paragraph describing your experience, if any, in playwriting, movement, devising or improvisation, or collaborative creation in the theatre.

  4. if you are unable to participate in the workshop on February 18th, you may submit a link to a recorded monologue from any play written in the 21st century.

Please have all your submission elements ready before you start filling out the form.

Fill out the form and (if necessary) provide a shared link to the audition video on the Google Form available at

About the Creative Team