Next Up | Ghosts: A Festival of Original One-Act Plays

December 10, 11, and 12, 2021

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Amplifying the voices of theatre artists who have been marginalized on the basis of their gender or sex.

“A Series of Small Cataclysms” by Jen Smith Anderson and Carolynne Wilcox

“If life were like theatre, four out of every five things you ever heard would have been said by a man.”

Marsha Norman, playwright

The Shattered Glass Project is theatre with a focus on stories by and the creative talents of theatre artists who have a lived experience of being marginalized because of gender or sex, including but not limited to cis and trans women, non-binary folks, and trans-masculine/trans-feminine folks. The Shattered Glass Project seeks to provide a nexus for these theatre artists to support, collaborate in and further one another’s careers beyond TSGP.

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Providing unique opportunities to create and grow professionally.

R to L: Gabriela Noble, Annie Hirsch St. John, Maureen Hawkins, Sara Schweid; photo by Kym Ahrens

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The Rule

“I only go to a movie if it satisfies 3 basic requirements. ONE: it has to have at least 2 women in it who,  TWO, who talk to each other about, THREE, something besides a man.”

Alison Bechdel, cartoonist (with thanks to Liz Wallace)

We seek to empower artists to tell to tell their own stories, through productions and workshops of new plays; through old plays re-imagined by and for marginalized actors, directors and designers; through the Director and Playwright Incubator/Mentor program; and through opportunities as yet unimagined.


“You can't be what you can't see.”

Marian Wright Edelman, advocate and activist

We accept script submissions for a variety of readings from developmental readings to professional workshops and full productions. Submit your script here.

We seek production proposals and applications from cis and trans women, non-binary folks, and trans-masculine/trans-feminine directors, designers, stage managers and actors. Learn more.

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